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One Picture Books

What we already know

Page, Richard

Code: 2377

Publisher: ffotogallery

New Hardcover First Edition

Price: £20

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What We Already Know is the first major monograph by Richard Page, whose luminous and distorting photographic images depict an unsettling and unsettled landscape. Employing shallow focus, the buildings and spaces he photographs appear reductive, where scale becomes deeply deceptive, and where our scrutiny can become more intense. The works are made in areas on the fringes of cities, anonymous places which reflect a new breed of generic architecture: tower blocks and call centres, suburban housing and service stations, places and sites so commonplace they almost function subliminally. Page?s subjects ? beautifully illustrated in this fine volume ? provoke a sense of familiarity, yet the dramatic ambience conjures up the spectre of something unusual which we cannot be sure of what that may be. This imbues the pictures with an underlying sense of anxiety, which pertinently mirrors the climate of fear that bubbles beneath the surface of our media-driven culture today. edited and foreword by Christopher Coppock essay by Mark Bolland ISBN 9781872771688 Pages 56 Binding hardback Illustration 25 colour illustrations Dimensions 246mm x 266mm